23 Aug 2010

5 questions opener - It can work...

PUA: I'm going to play a lil game with you, to measure how intelligent you are (OK), but we have to bet something,,,, like what do you wanna bet, a dollar, a drink (I don't know... whatever you say), Ok, Look, You like starbucks? (I LOVE Starbucks, that's usually what all girls say) Cool, If you win, I'll buy starbucks, If I win, You buy ME starbucks


PUA: Cool, so what I'm gonna do is ask you five questions, and you have to answer them wrong, if you give the right answer to any of the questions, you lose, got it?

TARGET: Yeah..

PUA: OK, What city are we in? (Gives you wrong answer)
What state are we in? (Wrong answer)
What's today's date? (Gives you the wrong answer)
(Here is the trick, in a curious voice) How many was that?
Sometimes they fall and say "3?", if they say 3, then you say,
HA! I got you!
If they say something like 7! (Wrong answer), you say more calmly now "Oh man, you got me, have you played this game before?"
Since they are usually excited cause they thought they had won, they
say "No"
Then you say "ha! I GOT YOU on the fifth one!"


PUA: Cool, now I have starbucks over the weekend (Imply the weekend or tonight or tomorrow, It's important)


  1. Isto não é um Opener e usar isto como opener vai fazer 70% dos set's fechar num piscar de olhos. Mas por favor tentem.
